Tinozzi Chiropractic Studio

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What do you REALLY want..

What do you WANT?

Let me ask you this again, because it turns out this question is one of the most important questions you can ever ask yourself. 

What do you REALLY WANT?

I turned 45 this August, and I know for you retired readers you may be thinking- "SO YOUNG!" And i do feel young!

But for some reason 45 felt powerful to me, and I sat down for a spell the few months before- and truly asked myself, "Self, what do you REALLY want?"

Have you ever done this, consciously?

Really closed your eyes, and imagined what genuinely make you tick and where your highest joys come from?

Well I did- and in some ways it was like the quintessential chrysalis.

Many things in my life shifted at once, and I have to say some really surprised me!

These shifts happened in two or three big areas of my life, but here's one example that's relevant to you. 

My health. 

I've mentioned my health challenges on this blog before, Celiac disease- etc.  And it was time to take charge!

I was tired of tummy problems, accidentally getting "glutened" and suffering from it for days. 

Feeling unhealthy inside my own body, even though my life's work is to give health to others.

Must be 100 times, I thought wouldn't it be nice not to have tummy aches.To run as fast, or hold a plank as long as I could back then? To have my body on my side, not in a war.

And once I decided I actually WANTED that, and deserved that, life shifted around me and it happened in a very short amount of time. 

It wasn't about a "diet", I was already eating pretty well though I did finally get quite serious about paleo. 

(HOW TO FOR BEGINNERS:  http://paleoleap.com/paleo-101/ )

It wasn't about joining a new gym- but life shifted, and opened up time for me to MAKE it to the gym- and it became effortless. 

(for me: http://thedaileymethod.com, and http://getinshapeforwomen.com)

And guess what? I currently fit into those clothes from before Grant was born, and I only started this summer. Some are too big.

And haven't had a tummy ache in over a month.

And you should see my rockstar yoga-plank right now--

I'll probably be able to levitate by christmas!

Other things shifted too, big things. Scary things too.

And so I want to challenge you to ask yourself-  What do you really want? 

And don't forget to ask yourself,

What do you really NOT want... And then get clear about it.

What is so important to you that you don't already have, that will make your life a life well lived at the end.

Think big. 

You don't have to know HOW you're going to get it, you just have to know what you want.

Hey, you never know what will happen, but I do believe in miracles. 

And I believe in you,

Dr. Rina